Né le 7 février
1877 à Cranleigh, Surrey, Angleterre
Décédé le 1er décembre 1947 à Cambridge, Angleterre
Mathématicien anglais
Admis au Trinity College en 1896, Hardy y étudia et enseigna jusqu'en 1919,
date de sa nomination comme professeur à Oxford.
Après un séjour d'un an à Princeton, il retourna à Cambridge en 1931 pour
prendre possession de la chaire de Mathématiques pures qu'il conserva jusqu'à
sa retraite en 1942.
Il est élu membre associé de l'Académie des Sciences de Paris en 1947.
Connu pour ses travaux en théorie des nombres et en analyse mathématique, Hardy
était le mentor du célèbre mathématicien indien Srinivasa Ramanujan.
Hardy a été particulièrement influencé par le Cours d'analyse de l'École Polytechnique de Camille Jordan.
Ouvrages :
- A Course of Pure Mathematics, 1908
(10 éditions)
- An Introduction to the Theory of
Numbers (avec E. M. Wright), 1938 (6 éditions)
- Ramanujan, 1940
- A Mathematician's Apology, 1940
- Divergent Series, 1949-1963
- Inequalities (avec G. H. Littlewood
et G. Polya), 1952 (2 éditions)
- Collected papers of G. H. Hardy,
including joint papers with J. E. Littlewood and others, 1966
Référence: 131
Hardy in his thirties held the view that the late years of a mathematician's life were spent most profitably in writing books ; I remember a particular conversation about this, and though we never spoke of the matter again it remained an understanding. The level below his best at which a man is prepared to go on working at full stretch is a matter of temperament ; Hardy made his decision and while of course he continued to publish papers his last years were mostly devoted to books ; whatever has been lost, mathematical literature has greatly gained. All his books gave him some degree of pleasure, but this one, his last, was his favourite. When embarking on it he told me that he believed in its value (as he well might), and also that he looked forward to the task with enthusiasm. He had actually given lectures on the subject at intervals ever since he return to Cambridge in 1931, and had at one time or another lectured on everything in the book except Chapter XIII. |
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